Geometry Through The Ages

As We know, Geometry is one of the oldest science. Geometry’s origins come from the Greek word geometria, Geo means “earth”, and metre means “measure.” So, Geometry means “earth measure” If we’re just talking literally here. But actually, Geometry is the series of mathematics that study carefully about shapes. Abstraction three-dimensional shapes in the real world. It involves the measurement, properties, and relationship all of shapes and sizes of things. Such as triangle, a circle, a rectangle, and much more.

In geometry, we often find the word “Postulate” and “Theorem.” In my opinion, Postulate is statement or basic assumptions that we don’t have to prove them. We can accept it as being true. That something is true because it appears to be true. Theorem is the opposite of a postulate, while a postulate is a statement accepted as true without proof, a theorem is a statement that we have to prove to be true. With the postulate and theorem, we can define a line, a rectangle, parallelogram, triangle, and any other shape of geometry.

Ok, that a little review about the geometry, and than I’d like to show you my analysis about the history of mathematics.

According my study in history of mathematics . This is a chronology that explain about the development of Geometry since the first time and mathematicians who have supported them.

- Geometry appeared since 1650 B.C. (Before Century), it can be proved at the Rhind Mathematics Papyrus (RMP), because there are many problems solving of algebra and geometry in there.

- Euclid (The Father of Geometry), he was A Greek Mathematician who lived around 300 B.C. The exact dates of his life aren’t known. He had written “Euclid’s Elements” that contain 13 books and outlines postulates, theorems, and definitions for use without the proof.

- Rene Descartes, French mathematician and philosopher who lived from 1596 to 1650.He was called Renatus Cartesius and he was being known as “The Father of Modern Philosophy”. He connected algebra to use in geometry. surely, His innovation becomes a fundamental of analytical geometry.

- Augustin Louis Cauchy (1789-1857), He was a great mathematician came from France. He could solve many problems of geometry intelligently and had developing the Euler’s Formula about the plain geometry.

- Pierre Laurent Wantzel (1814-1848), he made a research to proof, is the problems of geometry can be solved with a ruler or phase. As the result, he concluded that it couldn’t be.

And many other of Non-Euclidian Geometry mathematicians who had play an important role at the development of geometry. Such as Gauss (Germany) who invented the mistake of Euclid’s fifth postulate. Janos Bolyai and Nicolai Lobaachevsky (Hungary), they have proved the mistake of Euclid’s fifth postulate at different place. Beltrami (Italian), he was a pioneer of non-Euclidian Geometry. Cayley (British) with his non-dimensional geometry. Poincare (French), Felix Klein (Germany) with the analytical hyperbolic geometry. And Bernhard Riemann at the last, he was a Germany mathematician who gave the most effect and important contribution about the analysis and differential geometry in science. Therefore, appears the new shapes : hyperbole, parabola, ellipse. It is the answer that the whole of the earth is not follower of Euclidian.

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